So, went back to my original Model. Gave a much better stage set up and character build up. Idea and basic story design are the same, but fixed the main problems and goals of each character. Honestly I think this is a hell of a lot better than before. Boards are on their way, should have them up to by monday morning
Act 1:
The Camera places an Establishing shot of a snowy ravine with shear cliffs on either side.
The Camera pushes in from a top view down view of the inside of the ravine to reveal a cart being dragged in the snow.
Camera switches to a MS shot showing a cart full of food being pulled by a lightly armored Warrior.
Camera pushes in on a CS of the Warrior from the Front to reveal the fact that he’s shivering from the cold.
His teeth being to chatter XCS
His hands are blue XCS
Camera pulls out to an MS of his shivering outline
A shocked expression comes over his face CS
The warrior freezes in place Dutch angle MS
Camera switches to a Worm’s eye view LS of a bear walking towards the Warrior in the snow
Act 2:
Camera turns 180* to the exact opposite perspective to give a view of the Warrior’s shocked frozen state.
The bear hunkers down as if threatened. MS
The warrior attempts to bulk up his size and anticipate the bear’s actions MS
Camera switches back to the bear as the bear notices the large sack of food in the wooden cart behind the Warrior. Dutch angle LS Push in to CS of Food peeking out of sack
The Warrior takes a step back realizing the bear has taken notice MS
Bear’s face changes to a rabid expression as if starving CS
XCS of the Bear’s mouth as it licks its chops
MS of the Bear as its stomach begins to growl
The Warrior goes to reach for his sword slung across his back, but is only met with an empty sheath. Blinking animation of the outline of the sword showing it’s missing CS of hand grabbing sword outline
Camera switches back to an MS of the warrior who is now slightly panicked
CS of his hand again as he reaches for his Axe on his belt, but is once again greeted by the horrible feeling of nothingness. Repeated animation of outline of Axe.
Camera switches back to an MS of the Warrior who is now very panicked
The Warrior begins digging though his light armor for something worth using. CS of warrior’s clothing
Camera cuts back to the bear as he begins to fall asleep from boredom. The sounds of the Warrior shuffling can be heard MS
Bear rest it’s head on its paw MS
The sound of an “Ah ha!” can be heard, the bear perks up and looks back over at the warrior. MS Pull out then rush pan back to the Warrior
Camera is Close in on the Warrior’s expression as if Triumphant.
Camera rush pulls out to reveal him standing in an epic “ready to’ pose while holding a very tiny Swiss army knife waving and jabbing at the air in front of the bear. MS
Camera cuts back to the Bear who is not happy. MS And begins to growl camera cuts to XCS of Jaws
Camera cuts back to Warrior. Eyes tightening XCS
Camera Cuts back to Bear’s XCS jaws, growl turns into a smile. Pulls out to an MS of the bear, who begins to stand up on its hind legs revealing how big the Bear really is.
Camera cuts to a LS of the scene as the two now stare at each other One with weapon the other towering and unarmed.
Camera zoom pushes back in to a front shot of the Bear. MS
Bear lifts his paw, grabs it with the other, and cocks his foretoe like a gun, popping all of his claws out at once.
Camera cuts back to a CS of the warriors face who’s expression changes to hate *all or nothing going through his head*
Camera pulls out to an MS of the Warrior as he fearlessly breaks his pose throws his knife to the side and throws himself at the bear with all of his might!
Camera cuts to a running perspective from the warrior’s point of view then back to LS and begins to flash the two perspectives as if coming in closer and closer and closer.
The Warrior finally collides into the bear with all of his might! Camera pulls out to a LS of the two silhouetted upon the back drop. The warrior simply smacks into the bear as if a wall and falls backwards onto the ground with a very un-dramatic “plop” LS
Dutch angle looking up at the bear from the Behind the warrior’s shoulder MS
Bear looks down smiles and begins to fall forward MS (over the shoulder of the bear)
Back to the silhouetted view of the 2 characters: Bear falls flat on top of the warrior as if a rag doll and pins him to the ground. LS
MS of the warrior struggling under the bear
The warrior finally pokes his out from under the bear a gasping for air CS
The warrior continues to struggle under the bear MS
All of a sudden the warrior stops moving MS.
Act 3
The bear looks back from his fallen place as if checking to see if the warrior is alive. To his surprise not only is the warrior alive, but smiling and using the bear as a blanket MS to over the shoulder view of the bear looking at the warrior
The warrior struggles and pulls one of his arms out (MS), points at the bar’s gowling stomach (CS) and then back to his cart. Cuts from Warrior to an MS of the cart, CS on the food, then back to a MS of the Warrior
The warrior then points at the Bear’s face (CS from angle of finger) then back to himself using the bear as a blanket. MS
The bear nods as if in agreement CS Then cuts back to a smiling warrior Camera fades to white
Camera fades in from White to a scene of the Warrior under the Bear leaning back against his cart MS
Camera pulls out to reveal the bear very happily chewing an what appears to be a Stag’s leg
The two look at each other for a moment and nod.
Camera pulls out from the scene back to its original starting place at the beginning
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