Thursday, December 13, 2012

Reality Check


Well its been nearly 2 months, and it's finally done!

So here it is folks!  "Reality Check"

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Myself Vs Stag!

Well, the newest animation I will be working on is a piece that consists of myself either kissing my main character stag or myself fighting with with him.. So far, not sure which and currently attempting to work out the kinks.

Essentially The animation is myself transported on my canvas clueless as to how I got there.  I meet up with Stag and we do our thing.  The punch line is the cut back to reality to show what was really going on, which right now will either myself destroying my animation desk or myself making out with my animation desk and my classmates reaction.

So, this is stag!

New post will be up soon!

Cooper out.